Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Why Serendipity?

What's in a name? Interestingly, this was the first question that popped into my head when this registration screen asked what I wanted to name my blog. I knew I wanted something creative. I knew I wanted something that spoke of who I am and what my writing means to me. I didn't want to just copy my twitter name (pens_and_ink), even though that speaks volumes. I didn't want to come up with something pretentious and overly dramatic. I just wanted to show that through my writing - be it fiction, poetry, or pondering ramblings in my diary - I can work out any problems I might be having, or anything that I can't actually do in real life: solve crimes, etc.

My favorite type of story to write is one that ends up in a completely different place from the one I intended when I began writing. It's a constant reminder of how the story creates itself, the author is just the vesicle for words to find their voice. With every piece of writing comes a discovery never anticipated. A serendipitous moment.

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