Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I am very finicky about what I dub a "favorite" quote. They need to represent how I feel at a particular moment, how I am, or how I want to be. It doesn't matter if the quote makes me laugh or cry, it needs to speak for me in order for it to merit being a "favorite".

Here are some of my favorites:

* "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."

* "There are times when I find myself transfixed by a shadow on the wall or the splashing of water against a stone. I stare at it, the hours pass, the world around me slips away replaced by worlds being created and destroyed by my imagination."

* "Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall."

* "It doesn't matter what you're made of. What matters is WHO YOU ARE."

* “Curse thee, vile tendrils of morning’s bright wakenings. Fall back, in peace, to worlds where moon and stars abide.”
-- Me, November 2009 (upset that I had to wake up early)

* "Never stop laughing, never stop living, never stop loving, never stop dancing"
-- Sophomore year sometime I think

* “What cruel falsehood is this ringing clock?”
-- Me, March 2010 (again, upset that I had to wake up early; very tired)

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